Top 10 Must Have's

April 10, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

 There are about a million things when you are looking to invest in photography! I am going to give you my top items that I love and can't live without! These are the items that work best for me and my photography journey! I hope they work for you as well!


1. Camera 

I shoot NIKON! It was what feels the greatest in my hands and these are the Nikon cameras I love to use and I have a few on here for every budget!






2. Top lenses

Primes lenses are my life!


3. SD Cards:

I love a few different cards and i have never (knock on wood) had a issue with either


  • SanDisk
  • Lexar

4. Camera Straps:

This strap is HANDSDOWN one of my faves!

You can dual wield your cameras like I do or even hook up other items to it like water bottles or a small bag for your lenses!

Don't want to go that big yet? Here is a cute fashionable scarf strap that is SUPER comfy!

5. Favorite Bag:

For bags I don't look for something fashionable (sorry ladies) I needed something to be able to fit 2 cameras and 4 lenses! This bag has lasted my 7 years and still looks brand new.

Here is the bag I love!


6. Speedlights:

I use a variety of lighting but I have found these have been the most reliable for me! I have a lot more lighting but I will go over that in another blog post!


7. Lens Caps:

I needed something durable for my lens caps. I kept losing mine and it drove me UP THE WALL!

These lens caps are universal, waterproof and shock proof. Trust me Its been through the worst and it has kept my babies safe.


8. External Hard Drive:Something every photographer is going to need. BACK YOUR PHOTOS UP TWICE! This will save you from heart ache and a lawsuit!


9. Tripod:
I love being creative. I love using this tripod because it is strong enough to hold up my heavy camera and lenses white shooting the stars or shooting my own family pictures.


10. White Balance HELP:White balance I think is what photographers struggle with the most if they aren't using a custom WB option on their camera. If you don't have custom options an expo disk or grey card can really save you in post production.








Motivational Monday

October 19, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Motivational Monday

Last year I quit my full-time job to pursue this crazy dream that I couldn't stop having an anxiety attack over. I could only think of the bad things that would happen if I just only did photography. Let me tell you the thoughts in my head were spinning out of control. The stress between working, taking care of my two very young children, and honestly doing photography full time I was so burned out. I wasn't going to last emotionally to my poor family much longer. My students and friends would always ask this "How do you have time for it all?" 

I want you to know this right now; I didn't. There are things in my life that I put on the backburner to create this wonderful dream of mine. I want to tell you here right here, right now to not do what I did. It is hard to, and it puts a significant tole on your family, body, and mind. It has just been a little over a year on my huge lifestyle transition to only working one "real" job. In that time frame, I have learned quite a bit about myself, my work and my family. For those of you that want a successful company, there will be things in life that you will give up and make the sacrifice to make it work. Work, family, friends, free time are those things. In the end, it will be worth it. Just remember what I am about to tell you. Somethings are harder to fix than others. So make sure to set your priorities straight.


1. You can't do it all by yourself. My husband has been the biggest fan since day one. I have wanted to quit more than 100 times. I have wanted to say fuck this. So will you! Find that mentor or powerful influence in your life to lift you when you need it.


2. Stop comparing. This right here is a death sentence because everyone on this journey is on a different timeline than you so just stop and remember your own timeline. Think about how far you have come in life and all the great things you have done. Don't make a list of things you have yet to do. Please do make a goals list though. Start small so you aren't defeated.


3. Take time for you.  My friend, this is very important for your sanity. You have to be emotionally there 24/7 for your family and it is very hard to do if your thoughts are other places. I don't care if it's just a hot bath while your spouse puts the kids to bed. Put some headphones in, read a book, paint your nails, play a game, or just meditate. I promise you if you learn to clean your mind things will go smoother when chaos happens.


4. Set a damn schedule and stick to it unless its an end to make ends meet. Hard concept yes, however, if you don't take days off you are burned out. Don't let that happen! Take family days, take trips to have fun. Leave the camera at home! Take your GoPro instead! Get some fun family memories and you aren't worried about editing or missing that moment. If you have to pay your electric and have no other days then yes schedule it. End to ends meet.

5. Get up early before your kids. Guys, This one changed my life. I started waking up an hour earlier than when my kids normally get out of bed. One, My kids aren't the nicest about waking someone up. Two, usually by the time I am woken up by them they have either shit and they need my help or they have gotten into something which needs now my attention. Three, I am fully awake and not a groggy bear for them. I am ready and done with my morning routine and calm by the time they are awake. Which means I am more emotionally there to help them in solidifying their morning routines. Remember kids are learning to be adults. Set a good example.

6. Sleep. Protect it if at possible. This one as my husband would most likely put at my top of the most important. I need my sleep. I need it more than anyone in my family or I am not nice to be around. I have learned this after two children, working two full-time jobs and trying to manage a household.  It takes a real hardship on your body and it is not worth the stress. Just get your damn sleep!


7. Learn how to say NO. I have a really hard time telling people no. I have finally started to say NO and it is a very hard thing to do. If I don't like what I am shooting I won't book them. Please don't get mad at me when I tell you that whatever we are shooting isn't my style. I have to be in control of the session. Location, time, colors and commands on what I want you to do. If I don't have the control I get stressed out (which takes a lot to do during sessions) I am great on telling people what to do and I have done so many sessions I can get a family of 18 done in about 40 minutes now because I have them down to a science. Don't let your clients run the show. Clients don't take this personal. I know they have needs to be met. I know that might be a strange thing to say however they are hiring you for YOU! If you are a newborn photographer and someone messages you for a wedding. I hope that you would stay in your newborn niche and referral out that wedding. Niche only and you'll do great.

8. READ. This is my education outlet. I would rather listen to an audible than watch TV. I crave the knowledge for everything in life not just for photography. Find your niche and you'll love to read about it too!


The summary is that you don't have to do it all people. One thing at a time and stay strong, humble and friendly. We could all make the world a better place one day at a time if we all did this. If you aren't in a niche and are just starting out find what you love and shoot is so often and so well that people will know your brand without your logo.




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